Harry T. Verified identity

Harry T.

Responds within 6 hrs, to 100% of messages
100% 6 hr
Verified identity
Accepts new students

Harry T.

Accepts new students

I'm ready when you are

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  15 €
  • Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 15 €
Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend
Description Lesson types Answered questions


Hinweis: Für Programmieren nehme ich 21€ pro Stunde, Englisch und Mathe 15€ die Stunde

I'm Harry, 23y old. I have 5 years of programming experience in: javascript/react - building APIs, GraphQL, REST, etc

here is a list of what I teach:
.) English up to C1
.) NodeJS/JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, can help you with some basics code in C++ or C# as well
.) Frameworks: React, Angular, HTML, CSS, Material UI
.) APIs, Springboot, REST, Graphql
NoSQL/SQL Databases (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB)

Lesson types


15 € / 55 min

Answered questions (1)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Harry T.

Can anyone help with JavaScript

Need some basic learning on JavaScript